Welcome to SmartMatter

Welcome Home! SmartMatter, chosen by your property manager, brings you a digital wallet for effortless utility management. Track and pay for electricity, water, and more— all in one place, right from your phone.

We're thrilled to have you on board our journey to intelligent living!

Experience a smarter way to manage your utility bills. SmartMatter is a service that meters, tracks and bill your utility usage, like water and electricity, on behalf of your property manager.

Unlike traditional monthly municipal bills or prepaid metering, we use a post-consumption billing method through a digital wallet. Your utility consumption (i.e., water or electricity) for your unit is metered individually. SmartMatter receives this metering data daily and reconciles it. We then accurately bill tenants at the applicable tariff and debit it from your SmartWallet the very next day. This means that your exact usage cost for yesterday will be billed and paid today.

Easy Top-Up
Track Daily Usage
Manage Expenses
SMS Alerts

Effortless Utility Management

Conveniently add funds to your SmartWallet, monitor your daily utility consumption to avoid large bills, effortlessly control and budget your utility payments, and receive notifications for low wallet balances and unpaid bills.

It couldn't be any simpler

First, your property manager creates your SmartMatter account. The primary lease applicant must then complete the following steps:



Complete App registration using your access code


Top- Up

Add funds to your digital SmartWallet with EFT, ATM or Credit Card



Utility charges auto-debits from SmartWallet daily



Monitor your utility usage and wallet balance

Download the App on your Smartphone

Scan the QR code above for a quick link to the app or search “SmartMatter” in your preferred mobile App Store. Simply download and install the SmartMatter app on your mobile device to get started with registration or login if you already activated you account.

Web App Access

If you're having trouble downloading and installing the mobile app, you can use the Web App for easy access from any device with a internet connection. Type "app.smartmatter.co.za" in any web bowser or simply click the button below. Save or bookmark the URL in your browser.

Complete App registration using your Access Code

In just 4 easy app steps, confirm your personal details, verify your mobile number, set account login details, and verify your email. Now, you're all set up.

Once you, as the primary tenant, have completed registration, you can share your login details or payment reference with your partner or family so they can help monitor and top-up your account.

Top-Up your SmartWallet

After completing registration, your account is ready. To start billing and restore your utility service, add money to your digital wallet. You can easily top up using a credit card in the app or transfer money via EFT from your bank or ATM

Ways to Add Money to your Account

EFT Top-Up

  • Log in to your online banking profile (app or browser).
  • Copy & paste the bank account details of your preferred bank.
  • Always use your 6-digit code (i.e. JD1234) as payment reference.
  • Enter the amount you want to transfer & choose "instant EFT"
  • Complete the transaction.
  • Set up your SmartWallet as a beneficiary in your online bank account & set automated scheduled payments to your wallet.

ATM Top-Up

  • Go to your bank's ATM.
  • Select the option to make a payment or transfer.
  • Enter SmartMatter's bank account details.
  • Always use your 6-digit code (i.e. JD1234) as payment reference.
  • Enter the amount you want to transfer & complete the transaction.
  • Set up your SmartWallet as a beneficiary & set automated scheduled payments
  • Keep your ATM slip as a proof of payment.

Credit Card (3.5% Fee)

  • Tap "Top-up" or select "Transact" from the menu and choose the "Card" option.
  • Enter the amount you want to add to your wallet and tap “Top Up with Card”
  • You'll be directed to the payment paygate.
  • Enter your card details, making sure all details are correct. Press “Submit” when done.
  • Complete the transaction.
  • Wallet balance updates immediately. Refresh the app if needed.

Managing Your SmartWallet

Maintaining a positive wallet balance is crucial to prevent service suspensions! Your SmartWallet serves as the central hub for managing utility payments, operating like a prepaid metering system where insufficient funds mean no service. If your wallet lacks enough funds to cover your total daily bills, the bills will go unpaid. We don't offer credit, so your wallet balance can't go negative. The bill will only be settled once you top up with enough funds to cover the unpaid amount.

Watch the video for more helpful tips to ensure a seamless experience.

Billing Will Occur Daily

Your exact electricity & water usage from yesterday is billed and the cost is deducted from a digital wallet today. Like prepaid, always make sure your have funds to last you the next few days.

Regularly Check your Wallet Balance

Check your SmartWallet balance regularly and ensure it's enough to cover your anticipated daily utility expenses.

Don’t Ignore Low Balance SMS

Top up quickly when your balance is R200 or less to keep your services running smoothly without interruption.

Budget for the Month Ahead

Understand your average daily and monthly utility expenses (across all contracts) to calculate appropriate top-up amounts that will last you until the end of the month.

Get in Touch

Our Support Team will be available:
Mon-Fri: 8 am - 8 pm
Sat, Sun, Pub-Holidays: 9 am - 2 pm
For non-emergencies outside these hours, reach out via the channels below, and an agent will promptly respond.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is my Access Code?
When will I receive my Access Code?
What do I do if I didn’t get my Access Code?
I’m having trouble registering. What  do I do?
Can I share my Wallet?
I can’t log into my account. What do I do?
I topped up but it’s not reflecting in my wallet.
I topped up but my power is not back on.
Can I get my SmartMatter Wallet balance refunded
Understanding Your Monthly SmartMatter Statements

Other helpful tips & resources

Have Questions? Visit our FAQ Available in-app under the "Help Centre" or via the FAQ page below. It covers a wide range of topics and provides detailed answers to common questions. Alternatively, you can send us an email or through our online support form on the website.